2012年5月2日 星期三






Cream Cheese+一點點 Cream和一點點上面的糖──拌勻後,


20 則留言:

  1. 蛋炒飯的抬頭還真長 現在流行產品名愈長愈炫嗎?

  2. 本來文章結尾寫了點法國菜取名又臭又長的原因...可能不夠了解法式料理,只覺就是一連串食材名稱的拼湊而以,越長的越炫應該只是炫食材吧!甚少有文化意境。反之中國菜的名字簡單,常常又具有典故倍出的歷史意涵,深具況味。人家只是學學....中菜西名..的把戲罷了!哈哈!

  3. This pound cake looks so yummy. I guess it also tastes good. You know I am an ant. I like mango and pineapple. You put these two things together. What the hell yummy yummy! Oops! I should not use dirty words.....please pardon me! LOL

  4. Can you imagine the taste of passion fruit and mango combination?It is truly wonderful taste.Before making jam to Found that wonderful taste.Pineapple in here just decorative display.

  5. I have a silly question....why did your passion fruit jam look so yellow? it looked as if it was artificial. Mango and passion fruit mingled together...ummmm..I could not imagine how they taste. I guess the passion fruit would cover the mango, but maybe their mixture would appear something else, neither passion fruit nor mango. Maybe it is just like to mix lemon juice, tamato and onion, eventually they are something new.

  6. How could I use something artificial.It is France's natural puree, Mango and passion fruit season has not arrived yet.And that colors sometimes show tune photos, Although it is really yellow.Part of the jam, the ratio is about 8:2, That the taste is ...“你泥中有我我泥中有你”。〈Can you help me translate this sentence?〉 Hahaha!

  7. Awhhh..puree, a French words that I didn't recognize. I would assume it is kind of natural concentrated juice. They Westerners seem to like food having vibrant colors instead of pastel ones. We can often find their candies with some thick colors. Hummmmm...How to translate this sentence into English? If it were me, I would say "you were within me as I were in you". However, sometimes there is no equivalent in English. For example, we say "we are starving to eat a cow" while they say to eat a horse. Maybe literally you can say "I am in your mud and you in mine". I bet the native English speakers understand it, if you have a conversation with them. Your body language will help a lot to make them understand you.

  8. 基本上對外國喜歡鮮艷顏色在甜點裝飾上這一點,說實在的....我也喜歡,因為真的是漂亮。但是應該也很多人知道或吃過那東西,對台灣人而言真是難以入口。尤其是精美的翻糖結婚蛋糕....。也就因此在色彩上如果想要運用時,使用《天然素材》是我一直以來的努力目標。甚至也因此走了很多冤枉路...!這個品牌的果泥使用多年一直安心是牠的味道以及色澤,非天然的色彩經過加熱一定是維持原色....所以看上面蛋糕成色就知道我安心使用的理由之一了吧!關於那兩句翻譯...有點高階英文〈 If it were me〉和初階英文〈 Maybe literally you can say〉,哈哈哈!雖說語言真的只是溝通工具,但還是大不同呀!對我而言body language 應該是我和外語人士使用比語言本身更多更多更多的武器啦!

  9. Don't you think those fondant cakes look so chemical and those colors look so artificial? I always wonder they are artificial pigments. Of course they look very beautiful, but as you said, many Taiwanese might not like to eat them. I guess they are for looking but not for eating. Of course I know they are edible. lol. Yes, languages are just a tool for communication. For a foreigner, it is out of the picture whether it is advanced or primary. Indeed, the body language is a wonderful weapon!!

  10. 我真的也不知道如果只是用來看的蛋糕有何意義,

  11. I asked an American friend how to translate "I am in your mud and you in mine" into English. He said he would use "two peas in a pod" or "cut from the same cloth". They seem to call those cakes as wedding cakes but not fondant cakes. sometimes the covered thing is marzipan. Do you remember marzipan?

  12. 這翻譯真的很妙耶!只是前者還稍稍能理解些,後者就完全難以理解..?或是說這就是種文化差異呢?OK,結婚蛋糕使用marzipan〈杏仁泥〉做裝飾這是知道的,牠比翻糖蛋糕更技高一籌些,也更精緻。好吧,你吃過比利時朋友寄給你的marzipan味道,就可以想像一下那種感覺.....。所以說美麗好像也是必要之惡..!

  13. If you and I are cut from the same cloth, what do you think its meaning? You wanted to know how an American feels about the cakes, here is an answer from my friend. I am going to copy what he wrote....here we go.....
    here is answer for your friend
    personally I don't like fondant and marzipan they do not have yummy taste
    I prefer cake icing made with powered sugar and criscoe or butter
    I don't mind color that has been made with food coloring which is safe to consume
    I dislike cake that has no true flavor
    fondant is made to decorate easy but if you have skills you can make same look with butter cream icing or such
    now days cakes are not cakes they are items made of rice crispy cereal and globby fondant
    tell him stick with icing and use decorator tools to make pretty design and such
    The above is totally American English. I feel it's rather hard to completely understand it.

  14. 單字─criscoe ;globby;
    不會介意安全使用範圍的色素....也建議我堅持用糖霜和工具妝點設計漂亮蛋糕.....這樣對嗎?這句...such now days cakes are not cakes they are items made of rice crispy cereal and globby fondant比較不懂!

  15. "Criscoe is a type of shortening.
    Some use this to fry with.
    It is white.
    Some people call this lard.
    Here I use criscoe, vanilla flavor and powdered sugar, it makes a white rich sweet icing.
    Globby may not be a word. lol
    It means not good texture, sorts like goo its just a substance of nothing.".......
    I guess my friend made a typo of which now days should be typed as nowadays.
    I supposed that he meant nowadays cake cane be made of rice, crispy cereal and sticky findant. What he likes is just his own personal opinion. You can still have your own ideas. At least, I feel marzipan tatses pretty good though he doesn't like it.

  16. 這是一篇驚訝連連的回覆!其一:Criscoe,照這樣看來應該是“白油”。只是..Here I use criscoe, vanilla flavor and powdered sugar, it makes a white rich sweet icing.難道你也有做甜點嗎?不然怎麼會做這東西...還是只是做為麵包塗醬...你也真是令我驚訝萬分喔!感謝你的詢問結果,猜想:這位美國朋友比較喜歡傳統一點的美式甜點,對fondant和marzipan的過度裝飾反而體現不出蛋糕原味接受度較低。讓我驚訝的第二點:所以你會喜歡用鳳片糕包覆蛋糕...的蛋糕!因為你把marzipan的味道形容成鳳片糕所以我這樣連結...是對的嗎?哈哈!讓我再次見識到“螞蟻”的不同凡響的功力....好吧!如果有機會也幫我問一下比利時夫婦;加拿大同學;...哈哈,這樣你不就成了──蛋糕調查員!

  17. Obviously you didn not notice the quotation marks. It was not me to make a white rich sweet icing but my frind did. Marzipan is not "hon pen go" at all. Marzipan is not that sticky. "Hon pen go" is very glutinous. You know cakes are floppy. I can not imagine what it would be to put "hon pen go" and a cake together. By the way, today's cake you made is tasty. This time the upper chocolate is hard, but the previous opera cake had soft upper chocolate. It is very hard to cut this cake into pieces. Would you think it is better to use soft chocolate on the top layer? Plus, what is that rose like cream made of? It smells good. Also what is that pyramid like red jelly? it is very sour. Totally to say, your cake won good comments from my relatives. My wife wondered if it would be better that the bottom layer used some mashed cracker maybe just like tiramisu.

  18. 真的沒注意到那個引號....因為那描述如果平常沒接觸甜點的人應該難以寫得出來的說!我所知道的台灣稱為杏仁膏,是使用同等比例份量的杏仁粉;糖;糖霜;加上少許的蛋與酒混拌而成的膏狀黏稠團,然後加上色料便可像黏土般塑型...通常是做成卡通人物或是花朵裝飾擺放在蛋糕上。你所吃到比利時夫婦寄給你的就是這種東西吧?我想。後來發展成使用這杏仁膏全面覆蓋蛋糕可以做出精緻的婚禮花式蛋糕。當然這種蛋糕的蛋糕體通常也使用較硬的蛋糕體,比如磅蛋糕之類的,即使用軟蛋糕,但是麵粉量會較多;硬;以支撐這覆蓋。關於這次蛋糕的糕面,使用了和底部相同的巧克力,為了和中間2層的軟質Ganache區隔,所以說....這是個壞主意,對不起啦!關於那些裝飾的東西,今晚會寫出來...大嫂建議的碎餅乾是Cheese蛋糕底嗎?Tiramisu的底一般也是蛋糕,但這主意也不錯喔!

  19. Yes, the top layer of the cake was too hard to split it up nicely. The cut pieces looked not perfect at all. It was fun to set the cookie letters on the top as a decoration. I would suggest that you pack the letters in a bag and just let your customers to set them or design how to make them look great, because it is also kind of fun. My wife thought the bottom layer can be sort of salty cracker. A little bit salty stuff can flavor the cake better.

  20. 好吧!我會恢復成原來的頂端Ganache好了。還好給你親戚那個頂端是原本的軟質...。拼字遊戲的部分是有次很多英文字那個蛋糕給了我靈感.....當大家七手八腳組裝時,是有可能創造一點樂趣的,又尤其如果有小朋友的話....。底部用鹹餅乾,咦!該不會大嫂覺得還是太甜吧?但這主意應該還不錯喔!如果用Cheese餅乾如何..?

